The following are sounds that you might like to download and use in your Scratch assignments. Click on Ogg to hear the sound. Click on Wav to download the sound to upload into Scratch.

Sound Files for Scratch Projects
Name Ogg Wav Name Ogg Wav Name Ogg Wav
ahhh Ogg Wav beat1 Ogg Wav beat2 Ogg Wav
bells Ogg Wav bong_bell_timer_hit_deep_01 Ogg Wav bounce_twang_spring_13 Ogg Wav
bzz Ogg Wav chomp Ogg Wav click Ogg Wav
ding Ogg Wav drop Ogg Wav electric_shock_zap_short_03 Ogg Wav
energy_gun Ogg Wav explosion Ogg Wav explosion_bang_04 Ogg Wav
explosion_crunch_000 Ogg Wav failure Ogg Wav fanfare Ogg Wav
force_field_000 Ogg Wav force_field_001 Ogg Wav force_field_002 Ogg Wav
force_field_003 Ogg Wav force_field_004 Ogg Wav hooray Ogg Wav
impact_metal_000 Ogg Wav impact_metal_blade_clang_01 Ogg Wav laser_large_000 Ogg Wav
laser_large_001 Ogg Wav laser_large_002 Ogg Wav laser_large_003 Ogg Wav
laser_large_004 Ogg Wav laser_retro_000 Ogg Wav laser_retro_001 Ogg Wav
laser_retro_002 Ogg Wav laser_retro_003 Ogg Wav laser_retro_004 Ogg Wav
laser_small_000 Ogg Wav laser_small_001 Ogg Wav laser_small_002 Ogg Wav
laser_small_003 Ogg Wav laser_small_004 Ogg Wav linus-song-loop Ogg Wav
metal_explosion Ogg Wav ow Ogg Wav ping Ogg Wav
proton Ogg Wav rooster Ogg Wav sad_trombone Ogg Wav
saturday-night-fever Ogg Wav shoot Ogg Wav slurp Ogg Wav
splat_crush_01 Ogg Wav success Ogg Wav success_beeps_multi_echo_short Ogg Wav
success_cheers_win_chime Ogg Wav success_chime_bells_sparkle_tune Ogg Wav success_pickup_collect_chime_01 Ogg Wav
swipe_whoosh_double_01 Ogg Wav tech_charger_power_up_06 Ogg Wav tech_weapon_phaser_down_02 Ogg Wav
tock Ogg Wav vocal_cute_call_affection_03 Ogg Wav vocal_evil_impact_hit_slash_04 Ogg Wav
weapon_click_reload Ogg Wav weapon_gunshot_rifle_swish Ogg Wav woot Ogg Wav

You can also download this zip file that contains all of the sounds: